Spy the Ghost Show
On air:
– premier: Saturdays 18.00 – 20.00
- replay: Sundays 16.00 – 18.00
DJ Ghost 's love of music was a defining characteristic of his life from an early age. It was 1986, when Ghost's life took a major turn, as he became a "DJ". He learned the basics of the trade at school parties and then in country clubs, and from there it was non-stop. From 1990 onwards, partygoers could enjoy his sets in countless clubs, where he played on vinyl and later on CD. He was also a presenter on the local radio in Debrecen and worked as a resident in several clubs. January 2000 was an important milestone in his life, as from then on he became a regular guest at the legendary E-Club in Budapest. His success story continued at the Mousoleum in Vác and the Küklopsz in Szigetszentmiklós. In 2002, their friendship with DJ Spigiboy resulted in a joint project, G.Gecco meets dancemix, which was continued by Dancemix Records. In 2003, Spy the Ghost - Partytime (Everybody) was released, which launched a whole lifestyle in Hungary (Spy-dance, hajdivat). He started and paved the way for many bands and DJs and is still helping them today. Spigiboyand his friendship and working relationship is unbroken and fruitful more than 20 years. And their motto is: "Anytime is party time!"