On air:
– premier: Saturdays 15.00 - 17.00
- replay: Monday and Wednesday 19.00 - 20.00
DJ Ghost 's love of music was a defining characteristic of his life from an early age. It was 1986, when Ghost's life took a major turn, as he became a "DJ". At school parties and country clubs, he steadily learned the basics of the trade, and from there it was non-stop. From 1990 onwards, partygoers could enjoy his sets in countless clubs, where he played on vinyl and later on CD. He was also a presenter on the local radio in Debrecen and worked as a resident in several clubs. January 2000 was an important milestone in his life, as from then on he became a regular guest at the legendary E-Club in Budapest. His success story continued at the Mousoleum in Vác and the Küklopsz in Szigetszentmiklós. In 2002, their friendship with DJ Spigiboy resulted in a joint project, G.Gecco meets dancemix, which was continued by Dancemix Records. In 2003, Spy the Ghost - Partytime (Everybody) was released, which launched a whole lifestyle in Hungary (Spy-dance, hajdivat). He started and paved the way for many bands and DJs and is still helping them today. Their 20-year friendship and working relationship with Spigiboy-is unbroken and fruitful. And their motto: "Anytime is party time!"